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Psychoid: Studio Report "Thrash Impact"

Psychoid [Thrash Metal] presents their studio report on their new album "Thrash Impact". The new album will release on Music-Records, on April 13th, 2018. "Thrash Impact" will be available on 150 digital platforms, and will distribute in Europe, the USA, Asia and Oceania.
The album was recorded, mixed and the mastering make to the Track Down Music with Clément Tournier.
Psychoid will be on tour in 2018 - 2019 for the promotion of the new album. 

Studio Report :

Teaser “Thrash Impact” :

Line up :
Thomas – Lead vocal & Guitar

Kiko – Guitar
Rémi – Bass
Amaury – Drums

“Thrash Impact”  available  :
On the stand of the band
On the digital platforms (more than 150 platforms ¦ Itunes, Spotify, Deezer, etc. …)
On webstore Music-Records : http://k6.re/XBWvh
Physical distribution : USA, Canada, Quebec, Europe, Asia & Oceania

From Music Records.Fr

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